"Six Week Training Camp Course"

Six Week Training Camp Course -(E-collar provided to take home) 

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Our Six Week Training Camp Course is amongst our top-rated training programs. With this program, your dog will begin to master their commands and exceed your expectations. 

Commands Introduced: 

·  “Sit” (Sit on your bottom)

·  “Come” or “Here” (Come when called) 

·  “Down” (Lay down)

·  “Yes” (That is the correct behavior I am looking for) 

·  “No” (This is incorrect behavior) 

·  “Stay” (Stay where you are) 

·  “Drop it” (Drop anything they decide to put into their mouth) 

·  “Okay” (Release word so that they know the training session or request is over)

·  “Leave it” (Informs the dog they are near or into something off limits)

·  “Place” (Go to place)


Name Recognition: (If not already known)

Handling: Allows your dog to feel comfortable when being picked up and handled by family members, groomers, and veterinarians. Your dog will be comfortable with their faces, paws, ears, and tail to be touched and handled. Your dog will not react if pulled or tugged on - especially by a young child. 

Socialization Skills: Your dog will socialize daily with other dogs and humans. New people, places and moderate level distractions are being introduced.

Crate Training: 

Teaches your dog that the crate is a safe place and their personal home 

Your dog will be taught to not cry or bark while in the crate 

Your dog will be taught to not potty while in their crate 

House Manners: 

No jumping. Dogs will try to jump on you for attention. We will work to prevent and correct this habit.

No nipping. Dogs love to use their mouths to communicate! This can form a bad habit and this program will work to prevent it.

No barking. Your Dog will be taught to minimize any playful barks or being yappy within your home. 

 Leash Manners: 

Introduces your dog to the collar/harness and leash 

Begins walking with you while on a leash 

Familiarizes your dog with wearing a collar 

Learns to wait and sit when you stop walking

Is taught to stop tugging or pulling on the leash, they will learn to walk beside you and not in front of you


Establishing Routines: 

Our trainers will follow a daily routine that they will use throughout the length of the training program. This includes:

Potty training routine

Mealtime routine 

Bedtime routine 

Exercise and training routines 

Nap routines


Potty Training:

Our trainers will begin the lengthy process of correcting your dog from pottying within your house, on the floors, within the crate, or on furniture.  Our trainers can work with either potty pad training, outside training and/or doggie door. Please advise your trainer of your preference. 

With this program, your dog’s chances of going home and still having an occasional accident is minimized. Your dog will also be taught to hold their potty until it is time to go outside.